Let's make life a little less stressy eh? Research shows that we're all living on the brink, with 60% of us claiming to be 'burned out' by 35! Time to look forward not back. Live in the moment. And seek out ways to relax and unwind, and feel less stress for the years ahead.
Personally I became a Reiki master to manage my stress. One of the most therapeutic rituals I have ever experienced, Reiki makes you feel calmer, more in control of your feelings and so much happier in yourself. Whenever you're at a crossroads, need focus, to calm, balance or seek a little inner wisdom, I urge you to find a bit of time to seek out a Reiki practitioner, or get in touch (I do individual sessions remotely), being kinder to yourself in the process.All items at JOGB are blessed with Reiki energy before you receive them.
Another key to a stress-free JOGB - and all who join in with us here (promise lots more wellbeing tips and advice) - is my 8-week course in Autogenic Training (AT) with a fabulous man called Stephen Ashby at the wondrous Royal London Hospital of Integrative Medicine, and the home of the British Acupunture Society. Serious NHS cuts are undermining the incredible people doing amazing work here in an effort to help make people's attitude to their own health and disease, stronger, more resilient and so make life more manageable and less stressy.
AT is a Western doctrine based in Buddhism (i.e. no criticism and self-judgement here), designed to help alleviate stress and tension while creating a better frame of mind that will help you ease thought (and so ease pain), anxiety, anger and sadness or bereavement (and again, so ease pain and tension), I was in a room of other people struggling with everything from insomnia to stage 4 cancer. They were looking for a crutch for their sadness, anger and grief - we all found it with AT. There’s an initial speedy 5-minute regime that literally kicks in and help ms cancel out stressful thought patterns. I'll keep filling you in and share how to do it if you're interested - so let me know if it appeals. It's not based on any religious beliefs etc - and is designed for absolutely everyone to benefit.
Now, personally I've never been good at meditating - I've always been too distracted in my head (yes I know...that's the purpose). Indeed, creating my own candles has been behind the whole quest to "find new ways to relax" (the business side sure isn't) - because up until now I found the most successful way to switch off is by concentrating (visually and mentally) on the flickering flame of a single candle. If you have a restless mind try it! Obviously I'd rather you used a relaxing SLOJO or a sensual, confidence boosting MOJO, but energising GOJO might just keep you focused! So, clearly I'm on a mission to help reduce stress this year. Are you with me?