My favourite new discovery - thyme tea! And my little kitchen garden is being taken over by this incredibly fragrant herb!
Boiling hot water infused with freshly picked sprigs of thyme has long been used as a medicinal tea to help reduce inflammation for arthritis, along with healing a sore throat, upset tummy and even bronchitis; but for me it’s a first. It was recommended for my aching legs that suffer from neuropathy and nerve spasms, which feel like permanent pins and needles, sharp stabbing pains and irrational heat and chill 24/7. But. above all - it’s such a refreshing herbal tea in these warmer months too
Do you also suffer from any inflammation or nerve pain, like me?
Give it a go. At the very least you’ll find this a refreshing, tasty natural alternative to traditional tea, or a happy respite from green tea (not my fave). Push it to the max and you may well help yourself increase blood flow, leading to less muscle spasms, increased hair volume, ward off gum disease, and have an antioxidant effect.
My lovely ‘lil Liv, sharing her innate passion for naturals and veganism on Jo On The Go - JO GB on YouTube
If you’re interested in what the young think and feel about natural and healthy eating veganism, check out my fabulous eldest daughter, Olivia, (who has just graduated in her Hons degree in BioMedical Science) for my #JoOnTheGo video series over on YouTube, click here for the link! Love you to watch to the end (especially the bit about moon cups - she is awesome!) - review, like, and share…