Want to know what a leading New York dermatologist travels with when she's ON THE GO?
Check out Part 3 of my new wellness series JO ON THE GO (see links below), with NYC dermatologist extraordinaire Dr Dendy Engelman sharing her age prevention tips...
A good hair day? A good skin day? These are the ways that beauty and wellness are inextricably linked. Looking good for your age, whatever THAT age might be, is all about attitude and self-confidence. I'm not all about 'fixing the outside' - I feel that more often it's our internal stuff that needs a lot more focus and work... but looking your best makes you feel great about yourself: and so knowledge is king. Jo On The Go plans to meet up with many of my favouite experts - some new to me, some I've known and trusted for years - to share their passions and insights in life, wellness, beauty, fashion, interiors, fitness... emotions: just quite simply life as we know it. So I hope you'll come watch a few, support me, tell me who you'd like to watch and listen to...
So, in Part 3, here is the fabulous Dr Dendy Engelman. leading New York Dermatologist, over on a flying visit to GB as brand ambassador for Elizabeth Arden: she's the kind of open, sincere, trustworthy, finger-on-the-pulse skin expert who's chair I would quite happily sit in for hours on end. For her fab advice and product recommendations (check out what she travels with over on IGTV (see link below), watch Dendy with me in my new series of Jo On The Go #joonthego on YouTube and IGTV (different versions so if you're inclined do watch both!) - see links below
Enjoy, watch both if you can (see links below) and please do follow, subscribe for more, please like, share and tell me what you think...
Instagram version “What’s in The Dermatologist’s Bag: @JOGBLiving and @joglanvilleblackburn #joonthego
YouTube: JO GB #joonthego
“This is not an ad video (I will always say, but never promote anything I do not believe in) - I simply adore some of Arden’s products and couldn’t miss the chance to catch Dendy while she was here. Hope you enjoy!”