It’s all about power!
One of nature’s greatest, most powerful energetic fields is the volcano: creator of Black Obsidian crystal. Photo: @tetiana_grypachevska for Unsplash
Created organically in nature from the sheer, raw energy of a live volcano, the alluring, mystical, reflective crystal - Black Obsidian glass (often called dragon’s glass) - is created by the swift cooling of molten lava. Deeply dramatic and black, nature is extraordinary in the way it draws immense power from such chaos. As a result, Black Obsidian crystal is often used to impart phenomenal courage to help in times of anxiety and stress, by interacting with our body's energy field: the chakra system.
Photo: Rough cut Black Obsidian crystal (Dragon’s Glass) by Hans at Pixabay
The history of Black Obsidian
Historically used to make weapons and tools because of its strength, Black Obsidian has been revered by tribes for over 2,500 years. From the Mayans and the Aztecs, to healers and shamans, the crystal is ideal for anyone seeking a way to delve deeper into mysticism or spiritualism.
The belief is that ‘the sharp, glass edges of Black Obsidian can pierce the darkness to reveal the light’. And since light and dark co-exist… there will be many times in life when we need a ray of sunshine and hope.
Strength in your hands: JOGB StressLess Stone and Power Bracelet, both in Black Obsidian
Whether popped in your pocket, adorning a table, part of your skincare ritual, or simply strung as beads around your wrist as a bracelet, Black Obsidian is like a pocket companion: a little crutch that can make you feel strong, making it one of the most important healing crystals you can choose.
“Think of it as your truth stone. Hold and stroke the stone, then gaze into its polished surface to reflect promises and the future like a mirror or crystal ball. Like tapping into your intuitive third eye chakra, it feels calming and special, especially in times of fear and worry.” Jo GB
In energy healing, Black Obsidian crystal works on the base and solar plexus chakra, helping to boost confidence and self-esteem. When these chakras are blocked it can send us off balance, making us feel fearful and lost. The black, mirror-like qualities of this stone can help to focus within and help remove blockages that often resonate as fear. During a therapy session, a chosen crystal healing stone may be held in the hand or placed on the chakra points around the body. The crystal then releases positive energy into the body while allowing negative energy, and dis-ease, to release and flow away.
Ways to enjoy Black Obsidian with JOGB
The ultimate power crystal, Black Obsidian is a beautiful, powerful stone that stimulates growth, keeping you protected and connected. in this way, Black Obsidian can work harmoniously in your life by keeping your physical and spiritual body balanced, encouraging healing energy, boosting blood circulation and gut health.
Trust this stone. Work it into your daily mini self-care rituals, by holding it in your hands (pop it in a pocket or bra) during meditation, Reiki work or other therapies, to help instil honesty, truth, calm your worries and rejuvenate mind and body.
Your perfect ‘pocket companion’ crystal, check out:
JOGB Moments aromatherapy Crystal Roller Ball helps enhance your feelings, each with a Black Obsidian roller ball tip to annoint your skin with our essential oil blends. There’s GOJO Happy Moments to bring you joy, SLOJO Sleepy Moments to help you rest & relax, and MOJO Zen Moments to bring you confidence. Make it a mini ritual, and more caring for your senses than plastic or metal alternatives.
JOGB Black Obsidian Facial Roller improves skin circulation and adds a glow during your regular skincare regime. By boosting your skin’s micro circulation and soothing tense face muscles, use the crystal face roller inconjunction with a serum, or face oil, such as JOGB GLOJO Organic Rejuvenating Rosehip Face Oil.
Carry our JOGB StressLess Stone (palm stone for meditation) as a pocket companion. Protective and perfectly poised to help you heal, Black Obsidian is best known for keeping you in the clear when it comes to negative emotions and low energy, working its magic to throw its cloak of protection over your shoulders, ensuring that no matter what, you aren’t dragged down into a pit of despair. It is a companion stone that truly helps you to feel safe. Jo had one gifted to her by her husband Jim before her major abdominal operation last November: she held it in her hand while she slept in her hospital bed: it never left her bedside. She carries one with her every day. It truly is her ROCK.
Wear this 8mm JOGB Power Bracelet in Black Obs. You can also anoint it with an aroma. Add 1-2 JOGB Mood Drops or roll a little JOGB Moments on the beads. This will scent your skin and the air around you to boost your mood. Use a power bracelet with a JOGB aroma to motivate yourself: to be more buoyant, confident or chilled, whatever your needs. This helps hugely if you are struggling with emotions on a daily basis as they may help bring a calming sense of order & routine into your day.
JOGB MOJO Zen Moments Crystal Roller Ball for Confidence, illustration @randomthatch
JOGB Random Tips
You’re welcome! Place a Black Obsidian stone in the hallway, close to the entrance door, to balance and protect your home zone. With powerful grounding vibes, this crystal unites all nature’s elements of earth, water, fire, and air, in harmony (like our aroma trio collection), thereby increasing its power. This is how anyone who steps into your home will enter with a pure heart and leave their lies and deceit at the door. This is the protection for you and your family.
Working from home or self-employed? Place Black Obsidian in your office or creative studio space where the grounding properties will keep you strong, ensuring that you only take on ideas and projects that you want to do and are capable of without overdoing things: creating further harmony an balance.
Wear a little Black Obsidian One of the most effective ways to welcome the crystal’s power into your life, our JOGB Power Bracelet ensures that you benefit from all those lovely healing vibrations via your skin. Roll on one of our chosen essential oil blends using the aromatherapy Crystal Moments in Happy, Sleepy or Zen.
Clean your crystal As with any protective healing crystal or stone, it's important to clear and recharge its energy by cleansing your stone to keep it working at its most potent power.
Cleanse under water: to wash away any negativity or blockages.
Charge with moonlight or a singing bowl: to clear and recharge its energy.
Smudge with sage: to dissolve any negative energy. Obsidian seems to respond well to physical, elementary and energy vibrations.
Now relax ;-)