Vintage plan chest in our JOGB office at Random Thatch: super green preloved vintage ethos

Vintage plan chest in our JOGB office at Random Thatch: super green preloved vintage ethos

Working From Home Ideas

My dear chum Interiors stylist and journalist Emma Morton Turner, mum of teens, has a fabulous website and blog on, that whether you’re searching for interior inspiration, home decor advice, or indeed you’re in the industry (become a member) and want to know where to find great advice, props, location etc… it’s all there to help! Such a clever idea.

In a new post on Inside Stylists about Working from Home ‘THE FUN WAY’ (we’ve both done it for many years) she’s included some fab tips:

  1. Get Clear. Get Focused: with a planner (yeah I use my phone and computer…must buy planner. Thanks Em)

  2. Sit Down: well I love the look of my husband’s vintage leather chair, but need my practical dull one for my posture!)

  3. Set The Intention: and light a candle to help you focus! She’s SO right…especially as she sweetly cited our lively lemongrass, bergamot and frankincense GOJO candle as a fave.

  4. Make It Green: essential to clean living and cleaner air for your body and soul.

  5. Great lighting: spotlights, angle-poised … look after those eyes, guys.

  6. Dog Beds: OMG … she’d so right! Our dog basically has a bed in almost every room in the house, except the kitchen - where he literally drags one into a doorway space so he can be with us! Office dog begs … they’re way more comfy than us while we work - and that’s okay!

Jim’s blonde leather super slumpy Random Thatch office chair

Jim’s blonde leather super slumpy Random Thatch office chair

Follow Emma’s brilliant blog and podcast at (I’m on Episode 15 - I’m certain you’ll love the way she writes, as it just sounds like her all the way: truthful, knowledgeable, helpful and well, just fab!