“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within”
You may have heard that at 8.30 pm across the globe tonight, lights will be turned off for one hour in honour of Earth Hour.
Will you take part? Will you gaze up and experience the stars in this brief moment that makes everything around seem that much more peaceful and serene - subtle and subdued.
Will you respect the global thought and feeling that together we can highlight our ever increaing dependency on electricity is so worrisome, that united we can illustrate that with a little low level lighting, and a little loving communication, we can actually embrace the idea that we can do lots of fun things in the dark!
At JOGB we say "rock a little MOJO, give a bit of a GOJO and nestle down with some SLOJO" (though sorry, we've sold out for the moment - back in stock very soon!)
After all - who doesn't love the romantic glow of little candlelight? Any excuse eh!?
Fact is the soft, flickering golden glow of a candle is never too glaring for the eye, not too dim that you can't experience some subtle pleasures...perhaps not threading a needle though...
Little wonder that candlelight is our favoured way to eat at a romantic restaurant, it flatters our features and makes us look far prettier (and younger) - indeed did you know in Sweden they even have a single flickering candle at the breakfast table to brighten up a dim, dark morning. (roll on the clocks tomorrow too!
Either way, I say, let's use Earth Hour as the perfect excuse to bump up our use of candles (well we would right!?) to light your home, soothe your soul, scent your abode and brighten up your spirits if not your life!
We're sourcing lovely candle holders at the moment...can't wait to share more.