Organic Apples and Grapes Galore at Random Thatch
Random Thatch - our new eco home for JOGB
At Random Thatch, our 17th Century home near Bruton, Somerset (@randomthatch on Instagram) we have fallen for a home renovation with the most immense garden, full of fruit trees and berry cages, plus the most amazing garden features, such as my favourite space, a 350+ year old curved stone garden seat (below) that ‘will have’ (once filled with love & frogs) at your feet, a semi circular pond - it’s SO adorable!
Serious pond renovations about to begin … but it’s my favourite spot GOJO
We were warned this acre plus garden will be a lot of work - it already is just to mow - but the benefits of looking, living and loving green outdoor space, especially during this crazy year 2020, can not be emphasised enough! Just to walk, and then stand still, breathe and be immersed in Mother Nature - there is nothing like it!
It feeds the soul; it feeds your heart.
“Apple Tips”
Well, the blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and elderberries were eaten by the garden birds before we truly got to grips with their existence (ah, the joy of learning the rhythm of nature in a new green space) BUT we have numerous fruits trees - apples and plums, plus a mini vineyard (okay exaggerating - they just grow wild over an old gazebo but there were masses of sweet grapes (rich in resveratrol) to be harvested.
Antioxidant Apples
Apples are the best! High in pectin fibre that promotes gut health, controls blood sugar, boosts heart health, enhances iron absorption and benefits hair and skin health, apples are surely one of the best loved fruits by adults and children alike. Apples are also loaded antioxidant polyphenols and vitamin C that helps to boost immunity - and anything that helps that during Coronavirus is key right? Research has shown that apples and apple juice may be effective in reducing the risk of colon, skin and breast cancers too.
Our vintage Hungarian Apple Basket … love a basket
Juice, puree, compote, pie…freeze it, bake it…apple heaven!
So, just filling you in here on my favourite quick, ‘every single day’ apple recipes as this is surely one of the best loved fruits - by adults and children alike. Just wash, slice (I like to preserve my teeth) and eat (how much more natural can foods be?) and obviously our garden is positive free - so Random Thatch apples are also super organic!
The Happy App(le) at Random Thatch, home of JOGB
Apples x 12 (for four glasses)
Ginger (sliced & cubed)
Ground cinnamon to flavour (optional)
Wash and then core the apple to remove seeds. Cut the apples into pieces. There is no need to peel.
Add the apples and ginger to the juicer
Flavour with a sprinkle of cinnamon to flavour if desired. Add a piece of Kale for decor!
JOGB Morning Juice and Mint Water
Apples x 16
Ground cinnamon to flavour (optional)
Stevia to sweeten (optional)
Be sure to keep it refrigerated and to use within a week as it contains no preservatives
This is basically the filling for an apple pie, but when added to porridge makes a delicious taste experience.
Wash, peel, then core the apples then cut the apples into pieces. Add apple pieces to a saucepan and just enough water to just cover them.
Slowly boil the apples for about 20-25 minutes, stirring and smushing until the apples are quite soft.
Taste the apple mush after it has cooled, then add a little Stevia (sugar substitute) or ground cinnamon depending on your preferences.
The apple mush is basically the filling for an apple pie, so feel free to add berries, rhubarb, nectarines), for a delicious addition: just play with flavours you love, right?.
To serve: add a healthy dollop to porridge or dairy-free yoghurt and granola, for an anytime lift to the senses, not just breakfast, in place of sugary cake or biscuits.
Cover and refrigerate, or freeze in sections to use in larger quantities.
The most delicious muesli-style crumble … dairy-free ice cream of course!